Press Reviews
Review of The Long Disease: LA Stories, RHA Ashford Gallery
— Visual Artists’ News Sheet, July 2021
“In her formidable repertoire of photographic project made over the past 10 years or so, Hackett, who had previously trained as a psychologist, has been consistently drawn to environments that are contrived, or odd or uneasy, in ways revealing of human life and relations: artificially maintained lawns, embassies, the shifting ground of Southern California along the fault line, the law courts, a hotel that was also a film set, the sleeping city at night. It amounts to a rich, expansive body of work.”
— The Irish Times, 7th March 2017
A review of the project Extraterritorial Spaces from the Focus Photography Festival in Mumbai featured in Architectural Digest, 2015
“Not quite Utopian, but fascinating in the way it visualises our need to create islands of cultural identity….Fiona Hackett’s series of photographs of embassy interiors, Extraterritoral Spaces, is an exemplary projects.”
— The Irish Times, March 2008
To accompany the exhibition, Fade Out, a walking tour of the location of many of the images in the exhibition took place in the Mermaid Arts Centre in
—The Bray People, 2008